SPRINGFIELD – Illinois is joining a growing list of states moving to protect children from secondhand smoke in cars after a proposal passed by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) was signed into law on Friday by Gov. Pritzker.
“Confined spaces with little to no ventilation only amplify the dangerous effects of tobacco use on minors,” Morrison said. “Over the last several decades, our understanding of the serious health effects of secondhand smoke have dramatically increased, and it’s time our laws reflect this reality.”
Morrison’s new law, contained in House Bill 2276, prohibits an individual from smoking in a car with a minor present. Violating this law is a petty offense, with first time penalties not exceeding $100.
SPRINGFIELD – A package of proposals by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) aimed at increasing state employment of individuals with disabilities has been signed into law by Gov. Pritzker.
“Having a job means having dignity, independence and purpose, regardless of whether or not an individual has a disability,” Morrison said. “The State of Illinois should be a leader in showing that individuals with disabilities are just as capable in the workplace and have a valued role in contributing to our state and our economy.”
Morrison – who is chair of the Senate Human Services Committee and founder of the Special Needs Caucus – passed the series of measures to help break down the barriers to employment individuals with disabilities face.
SPRINGFIELD – Two proposals passed by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) expanding the availability of anesthesia use in dental procedures for individuals with disabilities were signed into law recently by Gov. Pritzker.
“For individuals with a disability, routine dental procedures can be especially distressing,” Morrison said. “We want to ensure important dental work is being performed, however, as long-term serious health consequences can develop if left untreated.”
Morrison’s first proposal, contained in Senate Bill 111, increases the age of eligibility to receive anesthesia coverage for dental treatment for individuals with autism or a developmental disability. Under the new law, the age will increase from 19 to 26.
State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) has been appointed to serve on a key task force studying ways the General Assembly can bring lasting property tax relief to Illinois homeowners and small businesses.
“It is an honor to serve on this important committee. Rising property taxes continue to be one of the most common concerns I hear from constituents in the 29th Senate District,” Morrison said. “While we have had much success over the last several years increasing government consolidation efforts and driving efficiencies where possible, it is clear much more is needed to bring down the property tax burden in Illinois.”
The Property Tax Relief Task Force is composed of Democratic and Republican members from both the House and the Senate as well as two members appointed by Governor Pritzker’s office.
An initial report is required to be produced within 90 days with a final comprehensive report due by December 31, 2019.
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