SPRINGFIELD – To recognize the agency’s 100 years of service to residents across the state, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) supported an initiative declaring April 2022 as Illinois State Police Centennial Month.
“Our men and women in uniform make the ultimate sacrifice each day to serve and protect our communities,” Morrison said. “By recognizing the Illinois State Police throughout the month of April, we will show support to those who go above and beyond to support us.”
Under the Public Works and Buildings Department, the Illinois State Police was created on April 1, 1922. The agency was initially responsible for enforcing road weight laws. At the beginning, there were only eight patrolmen, and their equipment included World War I uniforms, motorcycles and portable scales for weighing trucks.
Now, with leadership from Director Brendan Kelly, ISP operates 21 patrol districts, eight investigative zones, six forensic science laboratories, and five regional crime scene service centers. The agency works to promote public safety, assist local law enforcement departments, decrease roadway crashes and reduce crime across the state.
“We are forever indebted to those who work around the clock to protect every corner of our state,” Morrison said. “I can’t thank each of these honorable men and women enough.”
Senate Resolution 934 was adopted by the Senate Tuesday.
SPRINGFIELD – To put the state on a path toward increased sustainability, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) championed a measure to cut back on single-use plastic being sent to landfills.
“It’s simple: We need to protect our animals and our health from hazardous materials placed in landfills,” Morrison said. “Eliminating plastic use at our parks is a small step we can take to make a big difference.”
Morrison’s measure would require state agencies to only contract with vendors that do not use single-use plastics for food services at state parks and natural areas starting in January 2024. Rather, compostable or recyclable foodware would need to be utilized – except plastic straws upon request only.
Nearly 47% of plastic waste in the United States is from single-use plastic and packaging. Limiting plastic products can significantly reduce plastic pollution. Further, more than 85% of the trash picked up in Great Lakes beach cleanups is made of plastic.
“We need to work together to do all we can to keep our parks clean,” Morrison said. “By implementing more biodegradable and reusable alternatives to plastic, we can put our communities on a path toward sustainability.”
Senate Bill 1915 has passed both chambers and heads to the governor’s office for final consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – As children in the care of the Department of Children and Family Services transition both in and out of care, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) wants to ensure they have the tools to succeed.
House Bill 5418, sponsored by Morrison in the Senate, would give children access to intervention and counseling services within the first 24 hours after removal from a home and require the DCFS division of child protection to assess a child’s wellbeing each month.
“Being removed from your home at a young age is an anguishing time,” Morrison said. “We must provide these children with the support they need.”
As youth in care grow older and the time comes for them to live on their own, this measure would require DCFS to ensure they receive classes and instructions on independent living and self-sufficiency in the areas of employment, finances, meals and housing.
Further, under the measure, youth in DCFS care would be provided a document that describes inappropriate acts of affection, discipline and punishment by guardians, foster parents and foster siblings.
“By giving children an understanding of appropriate affection and discipline, we are ensuring they know which acts they should report and the treatment they deserve,” Morrison said.
The measure passed the Senate Health Committee Tuesday. Morrison’s House Bill 4304, which requires DCFS to conduct an exit interview for every child, age five and over, who leaves foster care within five days of removal, also passed the committee.
SPRINGFIELD – Drivers with autism or other disabilities that impede effective communication would have the peace of mind that an officer would recognize their condition during a traffic stop, thanks to a measure sponsored by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest).
“A routine traffic stop sparks anxiety for anyone – now imagine you are a driver who has autism or another medical condition that makes processing social cues and responding to commands difficult,” Morrison said. “That can quickly lead to a stressful situation for both the driver and the police officer.”
Morrison’s measure would create the opportunity for drivers to disclose a medical condition or disability that could impede effective communication with a police officer.
The space provided on an application for a vehicle registration would include a checklist of common health conditions and disabilities that hinder effective communication as well as a blank space where an applicant may specify a condition not listed. The information would then be printed on the person’s vehicle registration and be put in the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System.
“If a police officer pulls someone over and that person isn’t making eye contact or properly engaging in conversation, the officer may think the driver is being defiant,” Morrison said. “The reality, however, is that not every person communicates in the manner. By designating a medical condition that impairs speech on one’s registration, a traffic stop would be a less stressful situation for all involved.”
The idea for the legislation came from Henry L., a Wheaton North High School student whose twin brother is on the autism spectrum.
"I often worry about what would happen if lights and sirens lit up behind him. Would he move his arms rapidly as an officer approached the car? Would he avoid eye contact when asked for his license? How would a police officer react to his unexpected or perhaps even inadvertently non-compliant responses," Henry said. "Since autism is a hidden disability, how would an officer ever know that my brother is communicating the best that he can? In short, I am afraid that some of the very behaviors that help my brother cope with high-stress situations could be tragically misinterpreted."
House Bill 4825 passed the Senate Transportation Committee unanimously Tuesday.
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