SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) released the following statement after the Illinois Senate left Springfield without voting on a clean energy plan Wednesday:
“I’m disappointed the Senate didn’t come together to pass a clear, comprehensive clean energy measure that will help fight climate change. I have talked to so many people across the community who share my concerns regarding the future of our environment. I hear you and see you.
“I have fought for a just and equitable transition to clean energy for years – and yesterday was simply just another obstacle to overcome. We must pass a measure that transitions Illinois to 100% renewable energy — and we must plot that timeline now.”
SPRINGFIELD – A measure sponsored by Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) to protect children from the harmful effects of pesticides is on its way to the governor.
“Children are at higher risk for health effects from exposure to pesticides than adults because their nervous, immune, digestive and other systems are still developing, making them far less able to purge these pollutants compared to adults,” Morrison said.
The legislation would make it illegal to use restricted pesticides within 500 feet of a school during normal school hours when children are present. It comes following complaints that pesticides such as Dicamba and Chlorpyrifos can be harmful to both the environment and public health.
Half of the 2 million pesticide poisoning incidents each year involve children younger than six years old, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Children are at higher risk for health effects from exposure to pesticides than adults because their nervous, immune, digestive and other systems are still developing, making them far less able to purge these pollutants compared to adults.
“It’s clear that pesticide exposure is bad for children’s health,” Morrison said. “We can prevent that unintended exposure by moving this measure forward.”
Senate Bill 2245 has passed both chambers.
SPRINGFIELD – Following a number of ethics violations under the dome over the years, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) helped pass a measure to hold lawmakers, lobbyists and other insiders to the highest ethical standards.
“We must continue to strive for more transparency, greater disclosure and a higher standard of conduct,” Morrison said. “This commonsense legislation will call for lawmakers to work in the best interest of the people of Illinois – not in the best interest of themselves or their wallets.”
The ethics overhaul measure – found within Senate Bill 539 – makes a number of changes to current ethics law, including instituting a revolving door for executive branch elected officials and legislators becoming lobbyists, enacting a more clear statement of economic interest form and creating a statewide lobbying database.
Many of the items found within the measure were originally part of an ethics package filed by Morrison in January 2020. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, that measure was not able to make it across the finish line. However, Morrison is pleased to pledge her support for this bill that will help end corruption in Illinois government.
“This is another step toward ending the glaring corruption taking place in Springfield,” Morrison said. “I applaud my colleagues in both chambers for passing real, lasting ethics reform.”
The measure passed both chambers.
SPRINGFIELD – A comprehensive Medicaid overhaul measure passed through the General Assembly Monday includes two provisions spearheaded by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest).
“Programs that help people kick the habit and make adults better role models for children who might see their family members partake in the harmful act of smoking,” Morrison said. “Ensuring every person who can benefit from these types of treatments can afford them is a commonsense proposal.”
A 2020 Surgeon General Report on the health benefits of quitting smoking found that insurance coverage for comprehensive “smoking cessation treatment” leads to higher rates of successful quitting. To align with the report, Morrison spearheaded part of the Senate Bill 2294 to add Medicaid coverage for smoking cessation counseling.
The comprehensive Medicaid package also includes a provision that would raise Medicaid reimbursement rates for targeted dental services for both adults and children. Many families face limited dental access, because so few dentists participate in Medicaid. By increasing Medicaid reimbursement for targeted services, the number of participating dentists will increase.
“Higher reimbursements will incentivize dentists to expand their care to some of the most vulnerable people in our state,” Morrison said. “Other states that have implemented higher rates have seen gains in dentists’ participation and more children getting dental services.”
The measure passed both chambers and now heads to the governor for final approval.
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