SPRINGFIELD – A proposal passed by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) to improve medical care for survivors of rape and sexual assault was signed into law today.
“Survivors of rape or sexual assault face many hurdles, including physical and mental obstacles that can prevent healing and justice,” Morrison said. “This new law will ensure our medical facilities and their staff are able to provide top-notch care to victims and help them overcome at least some of the obstacles.”
Morrison’s new law, passed under House Bill 5245, House Bill 5245 is a package of reforms meant to expedite the overall medical care of sexual assault survivors. The proposal would ensure survivors of sexual assault receive prompt medical treatment within 90 minutes of arriving at a hospital and also that medical personnel are trained to perform rape kits and other examinations needed after a sexual assault.
Ensuring all rape kits and examinations are performed in a timely manner by trained medical professionals makes prosecuting offenders much more attainable.
Attorney General Lisa Madigan championed the proposal after increased attention has been drawn to the issue of untrained medical professionals treating survivors of sexual assault.
House Bill 5245 was signed into law today and takes effect immediately.