State Senator Julie Morrison on the Senate Floor

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Julie Morrison passed a measure to bring more diversity to clinical cancer trials.

“Better representation in clinical trials will improve progress and innovation in cancer care and mitigate some inequities that currently exist in health care,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest).

House Bill 5405 would require the Illinois Department of Public Health to work with the University of Illinois and other relevant organizations to conduct a study examining what demographics are currently underrepresented in clinical trials, identify barriers to participation and pinpoint ways to improve upon outreach to these communities. IDPH would report the findings of this study to the General Assembly by July 1, 2026.

“Prioritizing accessibility and equity in cancer research is vital as cancer disproportionately impacts marginalized communities,” said Morrison. “This bill will ensure participation from historically underrepresented communities.”

House Bill 5405 unanimously passed the Senate Thursday.