SPRINGFIELD – For two weeks, the position of the Legislative Inspector General has been vacant – a concern of State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) as there has not been anyone to investigate ethics complaints of state legislators.
However, Michael McCuskey, a former public defender and judge, was selected to the position Wednesday – a move Morrison says is good for legislative transparency.
She released the following statement:
“Greater disclosure, more transparency and a higher standard of conduct cannot be obtained by the state legislature without a Legislative Inspector General in place. Today, with the appointment of Michael McCuskey, we are on a path toward restoring trust among those who work under the dome.”
SPRINGFIELD – Part of State Senator Julie Morrison’s legislative package to further protect children in the care of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services is on its way to the House.
"We owe it to the children and families who rely on DCFS to do everything in our power to keep them safe and give them the best services we are able to provide," said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). "While there is much more work to be done, these measures are a step in the right direction."
Senate Bill 3747 provides that all children under the age of five in the child welfare system would be eligible for the Child Care Assistance Program, which helps provide financial assistance for quality child care. Additionally, infants and toddlers in the care of DCFS would automatically be eligible for the state's Early Intervention Program, supporting families in promoting their child's development.
Senate Bill 3853 provides families who receive Extended Family Support services from DCFS with additional resources through a three-year pilot program. The measure includes broader "wraparound" case management services, home visiting services for caregivers of children under five, and more.
Both measures passed the Senate Wednesday and head to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) advanced a bill to make units of local government more accountable, efficient and transparent.
Under Morrison‘s measure – the Decennial Committees on Local Government Consolidation and Efficiency Act – units of local government would be required to review and report at least once every 10 years ways in which they can improve efficiency or consolidate services.
This bill requires three public meetings which would accept input from local residents. Each local government, except municipalities and counties, would collect data, research, analysis, and public input regarding governing statutes, ordinances, shared services, and intergovernmental agreements, among other items. It would then be tasked with creating a report with recommendations regarding efficiencies, increased accountability, and consolidation.
“With approximately 7,000 units of local taxpayer funded governments, it is time for these government bodies to be evaluated for efficiency, accountability and consolidation,” Morrison said. “Our communities have evolved over the decades and taxpayers deserve accountability. If you cannot justify your existence to those who fund you, you should turn off the lights, turn in your keys, and save the taxpayers their money.”
Senate Bill 3789 passed the Senate Executive Committee Wednesday.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) released the following statement after the governor’s Wednesday State of the State and Budget Address:
“Following recent events within the Department of Children and Family Services that has led to unspeakable harm for both children in care and workers alike, there was no question real, tangible solutions needed to be brought forth.
“The governor’s proposed budget allocates millions of dollars to address staffing shortages by hiring hundreds of additional employees and providing high-level training. This is a step in the right direction.
“Further, this is a budget that takes care of our working families, health care employees and educators who have faced the unimaginable over the last two years. From providing property tax incentives to fully funding K-12 education, I am pleased people of all walks of life were considered in the governor’s proposal.
“In the weeks ahead, I look forward to working with my colleagues to develop a responsible spending plan for the people who call Illinois home. I am hopeful this leads us toward a safer and more inclusive state – especially for our state’s most vulnerable children.”
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