SPRINGFIELD – The price of EpiPens has greatly increased over the years, causing people with certain allergies to forgo purchasing the life-saving medication. State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) wants to offset the burdensome cost by requiring insurers to cover medically necessary epinephrine injectors.
“With increases in food allergies and other serious allergic conditions, people are relying on EpiPens more than ever,” Morrison said. “Nobody with a serious allergy should go without an epinephrine injector simply because they cannot afford one.”
In 2019, Morrison passed legislation to require insurers to cover medically necessary epinephrine injectors – also known by the brand name of EpiPens – for minors. However, she wants to take the law one step further by removing the age limitation. Morrison introduced the EpiPen for all legislation last year, but it was stalled due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Epinephrine injectors deliver the drug epinephrine to individuals experiencing a severe allergic reaction. Epinephrine works by narrowing blood vessels and opening lung airways, reversing the symptoms of an allergic reaction that, if left untreated, could cause death.
“People are dying because they can’t afford EpiPens,” Morrison said. “That’s wrong.”
Senate Bill 1917 was filed last week. Morrison hopes to present it in committee soon.
SPRINGFIELD – A continuous champion of human services legislation and measures to make the Department of Children and Family Services a better, more transparent agency, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) is sponsoring a number of bills this legislative session to help the state’s most vulnerable population.
“As a senator, my number one priority is – and always will be – protecting our at-risk youth and providing them with opportunities to help their future’s soar,” Morrison said. “This year is no different. During this time of increased need, I hope to make DCFS a more transparent and successful organization.”
To address numerous high-profile failures at DCFS over the last several, Morrison is spearheading Senate Bill 176. It would require DCFS to rollout Error Reduction Training in collaboration with the Child Protection Training Academy simulation model.
The Error Reduction Training will include classroom and web-based training. Initial training will include strengthening critical thinking, decision-making, interviewing, analytical, and problem-solving skills, as well as practice reviews and recertification.
Under the measure, students can receive up to $10,000 a year for two academic years to pursue a social work degree. It encourages college students to stay in Illinois for work, increasing employment numbers and hopefully employment retention.
“DCFS desperately needs more highly trained workers who have the determination and emotional stability to take on one of the toughest jobs,” Morrison said. “By helping those who have a desire to assist, we are helping our children.”
HIGHWOOD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) is relieved those who are part of the state’s most vulnerable community can start getting vaccinated by the end of the month.
“Many people who have disabilities or pre-existing conditions can be at higher risk of complications from COVID-19,” Morrison said. “We must take care of our most vulnerable people. Those in the developmentally disabled community are presented unique challenges that put their lives in danger each day.”
Morrison commends the governor’s Wednesday decision to allow some people with disabilities and pre-existing conditions to receive the COVID-19 vaccine under the current phase of his administration’s distribution plan.
The change to add these communities to the current Phase 1b plan comes after disability rights and advocacy groups raised concerns over the COVID-19 vaccine distribution process, particularly for persons with disabilities.
People who fall under this category include those with comorbidities or underlying health conditions as defined as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as those with disabilities. That includes, but is not limited to, people with diabetes, cancer and heart conditions.
Morrison encourages Lake and Cook County residents who have a disability or a pre-existing condition to schedule an appointment through the local health department, their health care provider or local pharmacies administering the vaccine.
“Equity within the state’s vaccination plan is key,” Morrison said. “I thank the governor for hearing and acting on the needs of those who are often forgotten. I am so relieved their lives will now be prioritized.”
People who live or work in Lake County can register on the Lake County AllVax site.
Cook County residents should visit the Cook County Community Vaccination Program site.
Additionally, coronavirus.illinois.gov has a full list of nearby vaccination sites, information on how to make a vaccination appointment, updates on the state’s plan and eligibility, and FAQs.
SPRINGFIELD – As COVID-19 vaccine distribution continues, Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) and her colleagues have fielded hundreds of questions and concerns from people across the state about the rollout, leading her to schedule a hearing to help get to the bottom of the confusing process and call for a more comprehensive and timely plan.
“The COVID-19 vaccine is the greatest line of defense we have against the pandemic,” Morrison said. “Unfortunately, many people across the state who are eligible for the vaccine haven’t been able to get their dose – and that’s disheartening. I hope this hearing will lead us toward a path of greater efficiency.”
Senator Morrison will be joined by representatives from the Illinois Department of Public Health, Sangamon County Health Department, Chicago Department of Public Health, George Miller Safety Net Hospital, Walgreens and CVS — among others.
The hearing will focus on frequently asked questions and concerns regarding the rollout and supply of the COVID-19 vaccine. Morrison hopes the conversation will help distribution become more convenient and readily available.
WHO: Senate Health Committee, IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike, local health departments and pharmacies that administer the vaccine
WHAT: Subject matter hearing on COVID-19 vaccine
WHERE: The virtual hearing can be viewed here: https://ilga.gov/senateaudvid.asp#. Blue Room Stream, a subscription-based service, will also stream the hearing.
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 11 at noon
Additional witnesses can submit written testimony online at www.ilga.gov.
To watch the virtual committee, visit https://ilga.gov/senateaudvid.asp and click "Watch Live Virtual Committee Video." The link will be available at noon.
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