During its May 12 meeting, the Lake County Board passed a measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that gives property owners more time to pay each installment of their property taxes.
Many people across the state and in the Lake County community are dealing with financial difficulties due to the pandemic.
The Lake County Board recognized those hardships and enacted an ordinance that allows taxpayers to spread their property tax payments over four installments, rather than two. If the second half of the payment is made by the second due date, no late fees will be incurred.
The payments were originally due on June 8 and Sept. 8. However, under the ordinance, Lake County property owners can spread their payments out as follows:
The Lake County treasurer's office said it will send notice of the deferred payment plan to Lake County property owners through the mail within the next two weeks.
Additionally, Cook County officials announce what they’re going to do to help COVID-19-stressed property owners deal with their property taxes later this week.
If you face uncertainty about when you will be able to return to work, you might be looking for immediate financial relief to help you during this time.
The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program is open to help people who are unemployed for reasons related to COVID-19 and are not eligible for the state’s regular unemployment insurance program, including independent contractors (gig workers), sole proprietors and the self-employed.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security rolled out a new application portal Monday.
Workers who believe they may be eligible for new federal benefits under the PUA program must first apply for regular unemployment insurance and be denied before applying for benefits under PUA.
If you apply for benefits and receive an eligibility determination of $0, you can then submit a claim for PUA benefits. If you have already applied for and been denied regular benefits, you can submit a claim through the new PUA portal when it opens.
Under PUA, up to 39 weeks’ worth of benefits are potentially available for COVID-19-related unemployment claims. PUA claims will be backdated to your first week of unemployment, but no earlier than Feb. 2, and will continue no later than the week ending Dec. 26, 2020.
For more information and to apply, visit the IDES website.
Many Illinoisans are facing financial worries during this time — however, these resources will allow our state to begin its recovery.
DEERFIELD — During Foster Parent Appreciation Month, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) is expressing gratitude toward the thousands of foster families across the state who have opened homes to children who previously lived in unsafe conditions.
“At a time where children are home every day without teachers or daycare staff being able to keep an eye on their safety, it is more important than ever they live in strong, loving households,” Morrison said. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of families across the state have committed to keeping children safe for an unknown amount of time and have done so graciously.”
About 4,000 children across the state each year are taken into temporary care through the Department of Children and Family Services when they live in an abusive or neglectful home. Foster families provide protection and love while the agency works with families to make positive changes in the home, in an effort to reunite parents with their children.
“I have the utmost respect for people who have selflessly opened their arms to take care of the state’s most vulnerable children,” Morrison said.
To become a licensed foster parent, people are encouraged to call 1-800-572-2390 or fill out the online interest form on the DCFS website found at www2.illinois.gov/dcfs.
DEERFIELD —Twenty-one years ago Monday, two students opened fire on Columbine High School, killing 13 and injuring 24.
Two years ago today, a man opened fire on a Tennessee Waffle House, killing four and injuring two.
“These acts of senseless violence are just two examples of dozens of instances where innocent people lost their lives because of the selfish and reprehensible behaviors of others,” State Senator Julie Morrison said. “After these tragic events, we often hear family members or neighbors mention they were worried about the person’s threatening behavior but didn’t know where to turn.”
Morrison (D-Lake Forest) is taking this time to remind people of the Firearms Restraining Order Act – also known as the “Red Flag” law.
The measure allows family members and law enforcement officials who have concerns that someone is a threat to themselves or others to ask a judge to temporarily remove their guns.
If a judge grants the restraining order, law enforcement may seize the at-risk person’s firearms for up to six months and prevent them from purchasing additional weapons during that time period to keep themselves and others safe.
Due to the Stay at Home Order, however, some circuit courts are closed, leaving people worried they might not be able to take action.
If the circuit court in question is closed, a person will have to engage law enforcement in order to get a Firearms Restraining Order. The person must explain the situation, explicitly asking for a Firearms Restraining Order. Sheriffs’ offices may be able to provide more support and resources than municipal police departments.
“During this trying time, tension is higher and depression is becoming more prevalent. It's important to keep an eye on each other,” Morrison said. “If you know someone whom you believe is at risk of harming themselves or others, I encourage you to call law enforcement. That phone call could save a life.”
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