SPRINGFIELD– Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) released the following statement after the Senate approved Senate Bill 2404, a pension reform proposal.
“This proposal has support from Democrats, Republicans and unions in Illinois. It will save our state up to $46 billion and puts us on a path towards solving our pension funding crisis.”
For a look at Senate Bill 2404, please click here.
SPRINGFIELD – Seeking to shut down loopholes in state lobbying laws, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) is advancing legislation that requires more information be publicly disclosed on exactly who the multitude of Capitol lobbyists are working for.
Springfield lobbyists are required by law to report the names of their clients along with any expenditure made on their behalf. This information is posted online and available to the public.
A commonly used loophole in the law, however, allows lobbyists whose clients are other lobbyists to not specify the actual beneficiary of their work. Morrison’s measure would close this loophole by requiring all beneficiaries to be disclosed.
SPRINGFIELD– The Illinois State Senate recently passed a bill that restricts rules for tanning salons in Illinois. State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield), was a chief co-sponsor on Senate Bill 2244.
The bill prohibits anyone less than 18 years of age from using an ultraviolet lamp at a tanning facility, regardless of parental or guardian consent. In addition, tanning facility owners cannot allow minors to use UV lamps.
“I think this is an issue of public safety,” Morrison said. “Approximately 70% of indoor tanners are young people, 16-29 years of age. This measure has bipartisan support and makes sure that people using tanning beds are adults who understand the health risks, associated with this activity.”
"This past Saturday 4/27, State Representative Elaine Nekritz and I sat down for coffee with constituents in Buffalo Grove. It was a great opportunity to have one on one conversations with constituents and discuss some of the major problems facing the State of Illinois. This was a great chance to hear constituent opinions before heading back to Springfield for May session. I will continue to have coffees and forums during the summer. Please sign up for my E-Newsletter to make sure you don't miss out on a opportunity to attend an event."
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