SPRINGFIELD – More than $2 billion in ongoing construction projects will continue under a plan that passed the Senate today and co-sponsored by State Senator Julie Morrison (D – Deerfield).
“Today’s vote guarantees a number of vital construction projects across the state continue as planned,” Morrison said. “Locally, the reconstruction of Deerfield Road between Highland Park and Deerfield was facing the potential of ceasing construction as early as tomorrow, which would have caused increased traffic delays and the potential for safety concerns for motorists.”
Deerfield Road is currently in the middle of an $18.1 million resurfacing and reconstruction project between the Metra viaduct in Deerfield and U.S. Route 41 in Highland Park. While the 2.39-mile long reconstruction project is largely paid for with federal funds, the state was facing the prospect of not being able to legally appropriate federal funds due to the lack of a finalized budget plan for Fiscal Year 2017, which begins tomorrow.
SPRINGFIELD – More than $2 billion in construction projects in Illinois could grind to a halt if action isn’t taken in Springfield before Friday.
Locally, construction on the $18.1 million Deerfield Road Construction Project would cease unless legislation allowing the expenditure of funds is approved.
“The recently announced stoppage of the Deerfield Road Reconstruction Project is just another example of why the state cannot effectively operate without a finalized budget plan in place,” State Senator Julie Morrison (D – Deerfield) said. “Walking away from a major construction project that isn’t completed would not only cause horrific traffic delays but could also be a serious public safety concern for motorists.”
State Senator Julie Morrison (D – Deerfield) was honored recently with the Bud Cramer Advocacy Award from the National Children’s Alliance, a national association for the nearly 800 Children’s Advocacy Centers across the United States that serve as a voice for abused children.
“I am humbled to receive an award from such a distinguished organization dedicated to protecting and advocating on behalf of abused children across the country,” Morrison said. “The work done at Children’s Advocacy Centers is vital for every child that has suffered the horrors of being abused.”
Children’s Advocacy Centers bring together law enforcement officers, child protection organizations, prosecutors, mental health professionals and medical and victim advocacy organizations to investigate child abuse, help children recover and hold offenders accountable.
Morrison was honored for her work to move “the field forward through vision, leadership and the ability to reach and motivate great numbers of people.”
DEERFIELD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D – Deerfield) was joined by numerous human services providers, seniors benefiting from the Community Care Program and other governmental officials at the Weinberg Community for Senior Living in Deerfield this afternoon in calling for the governor to sign Senate Bill 2038, a bill on the governor’s desk that would provide more than $700 million to Illinois’ human services providers.
“Our human services providers have been stretched thin and they need relief now,” Morrison said. “I urge the governor to sign Senate Bill 2038 to get some money flowing to our providers.”
Senate Bill 2038, which passed the Illinois House and Senate on May 12 and was sent to the governor on May 18, was passed to provide stopgap funding for providers that weren’t covered under court orders mandating state payments.
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